Lead2pass is one of the leading exam preparation material providers.Its updated M6040-419 brain dumps in pdf can ensure most candidates pass the eaxm without too much effort.If you are struggle for the M6040-419 exam, it’s be a wise choice that get help from Lead2pass.
What are two new optional features to focus on when selling the SurePOS 500?
A. onboard audio
B. customer display
C. internal wireless
D. fingerprint reader
Answer: BD
Which two components are monitored as part of light path management?
A. touch screen
B. hard drive
C. processor
D. memory DIMMs
Answer: BD
What are two optional features on both SurePOS 500 Series models?
A. stereo speakers
B. modular flash drive
C. tool-less serviceability
D. biometric fingerprint reader
Answer: BD
Which serviceability feature is only available on the premium SurePOS 500 model?
A. light path management
B. tool-less serviceability
C. Remote Management Agent (RMA)
D. easily removable display bezel
Answer: A
Which touch screen technology is completely sealable and the most durable?
A. infrared
B. resistive
C. capacitive
D. surface acoustic wave
Answer: A
Which feature comes standard on the Model 566?
A. modular flash drive
B. infrared touch screen
C. wireless connectivity
D. biometric fingerprint reader
Answer: B
If you want to pass IBM M6040-419 exam successfully, do not missing to read latest Lead2pass IBM M6040-419 dumps. Thanks for you reading. Wish you pass M6040-419 exam successfully.